Lilia Chua

I have been eating buckwheat as my rice substitute for 3 years now, and I have become stronger did not age fast. I can still do all the things that a 50 year old woman can do. I feel like I have the strength that I had 20 years ago, even if I have not been exercising. At 71 years old, I can still carry my chubby “apo” (grandson) and watch over him even when he is active and playing all the time. I am also currently still handling my own business and finances. My mind works like it has been working since I was in my younger years. I don’t experience memory loss and I can still also compute figures mentally.
I have been diabetic since my late 30s, and buckwheat also controls my sugar from spiking. I can still go to groceries and markets and still do what i love to do most—cooking. After consuming buckwheat for a long time, I no longer want to go back to eating rice. I still visit my doctor once a year, but she does not worry anymore about my health condition.