is the best start to genuine wellbeing

is the best start to genuine wellbeing
Kasha Roasted 10kg BUNDLE!

A bundle of 10 kilos (20 packs of 500g) Roasted Kasha. Contains all 9 essential amino acids. Good source of B vitamins, Copper, and Zinc.
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√ Organic √ Zero Sugar √ Superfood
Great for people with:
√ Diabetes √ Chronic Heart Disease and Stroke √ High-blood Pressure √ Obesity

Our Featured Recipes
Baked Mushroom Kasha
Enjoy baked mushroom over Kasha Buckwheat!
1/2 ounce dried shiitake or porcini mushrooms, finely chopped
Kimchi Fried Buckwheat Kasha
Try the Korean favorite Kimchi fried rice! But instead of rice, we replaced it with the healthier Kasha Buckwheat!
Chicken Burrito Bowl with Kasha
Your favorite burrito bowl substituted with Kasha Buckwheat!
1 1/4 pounds chicken breasts
¼ cup olive oil
Yang Chow Kasha
Yang Chow Kasha is an alternative way of enjoying our favorite Yang Chow Fried Rice! It is healthier and contains
Kasha Champorado
Kasha Champorado is one way to enjoy Raw Buckwheat! This recipe is one of our customer favorites!
Our friends introduced buckwheat to us and to be honest, we were doubtful at first. My husband and I are fans of white rice with savory dishes.
Every time I would feel insecure about my “bilbil” or my excess fats, I would push myself to eat less; eat less meaning totally make myself hungry on most days. I knew it was unhealthy but I have no other idea how to lose weight without having to exercise. I gave buckwheat a try and surprisingly, I liked it! I asked my husband to try it as well. We then decided to switch to buckwheat. I lost weight without starving myself or controlling my food intake which leads to an unhealthy diet. Now I learned that losing weight doesn’t necessarily mean eating less. My husband and I would eat what we want without the guilt of eating too much sugar (from white rice). I’d cook the buckwheat in different ways such as paella or baked sushi!
Overall, we are glad we gave buckwheat a try and we are grateful for our friends’ suggestion.

I have been eating buckwheat as my rice substitute for 3 years now, and I have become stronger did not age fast. I can still do all the things that a 50 year old woman can do. I feel like I have the strength that I had 20 years ago, even if I have not been exercising. At 71 years old, I can still carry my chubby “apo” (grandson) and watch over him even when he is active and playing all the time. I am also currently still handling my own business and finances. My mind works like it has been working since I was in my younger years. I don’t experience memory loss and I can still also compute figures mentally.
I have been diabetic since my late 30s, and buckwheat also controls my sugar from spiking. I can still go to groceries and markets and still do what i love to do most—cooking. After consuming buckwheat for a long time, I no longer want to go back to eating rice. I still visit my doctor once a year, but she does not worry anymore about my health condition.

I used to have high cholesterol and sugar, and my doctor told me I should lessen my rice consumption even though I had an active lifestyle and go to the gym regularly. I tried buckwheat as an alternative to rice for one month, and during my regular check-ups, my my sugar and cholesterol went down. It goes without saying that Kasha Buckwheat is good for blood sugar control and heart health. I feel healthy, stronger, and more energetic now that buckwheat is part of my meals. I’m never going back to rice.

I love its fluffy texture! Tastes better than red rice. Tastes way better than quinoa! Smells amazing, and I feel lighter, yet less hungry than normal.