Amos Lee and Donna Marie Torres-Lee

Our friends introduced buckwheat to us and to be honest, we were doubtful at first. My husband and I are fans of white rice with savory dishes.
Every time I would feel insecure about my “bilbil” or my excess fats, I would push myself to eat less; eat less meaning totally make myself hungry on most days. I knew it was unhealthy but I have no other idea how to lose weight without having to exercise. I gave buckwheat a try and surprisingly, I liked it! I asked my husband to try it as well. We then decided to switch to buckwheat. I lost weight without starving myself or controlling my food intake which leads to an unhealthy diet. Now I learned that losing weight doesn’t necessarily mean eating less. My husband and I would eat what we want without the guilt of eating too much sugar (from white rice). I’d cook the buckwheat in different ways such as paella or baked sushi!
Overall, we are glad we gave buckwheat a try and we are grateful for our friends’ suggestion.